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Archive for the ‘Life’ Category

Stop marketing. Start unMarketing.

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Every Sunday, I performed a simple routine. Every Sunday, I go to church…and straight to the cafe. They serve food at REALLY CHEAP PRICES and it fills you up for the entire day. (You don’t have to pay for the food if you volunteer because I donate because I have a need to give.) I love the food. Soon after church, I dodge the other churches who try and try absorb more of my time with the simple replies of “I already went.” They always said “Why not to go to THIS church?” By the time, they finish that sentence…I’m on my way to the bookstore.

What do I do at the bookstore. Programmed like a bird that travels south for the winter and north for the summer…. (Birds are smarter than Michiganders and Texans because they are always at a moderate temperatures. Not too hot. Not too cold. Just my favorite. Mild.) I instantly head to the business and finance section. Once I’m there. I put a limit on the books I want to read…because I pick up five and six books and there’s not way I’m going to read all those books. There’s just no way.

The two books I chose were positively acclaimed Four-Hour Workweek and UnMarketing. However, I only got the chance to only read one of those books. Guess which one?

That guy loves Four-Hour Workweek.

Four-Hour Workweek is here.

Start UnMarketing yourself

Or this one? (Check this out?)

I instantly picked up the UnMarketing book and started reading…from the introduction to the Chapter 14. UnMarketing is a marketing book for the over-marketers who plan WAY TOO MUCH on how to market instead of doing the one thing that can actually propel your business: ENGAGING. I read thirteen chapters but don’t congratulate. The chapters were VERY SHORT…enabling me to continuing reading. Along with superb business tips that can propel your business for any newbie or seasoned player, each chapter made me laughing out loud…and I was in a bookstore. People thought I was reading a humor book.

His book is uniquely different and that’s why I kept reading it until the store closed. I only had 5 minutes to read Four-Hour Workweek…shame shame. I want that book for Christmas…(What college-aged teen wants a business book for Christmas? THIS ONE!) and I’m sure that when you’re reading this then you, too, know someone who wants this book, too.

Natural Charm…and why you shouldn’t use it…

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You may be wondering what exactly is natural charm. What exactly is artifical charm. It’s something that’s fake and I KNOW that anything that’s FAKE is NOT CHARMING. However, natural charm is different. Natural charm is when you are charming naturally…without even trying to be charming. It’s indeed good. Great, even.

In this underground seduction community, a percentage of guys go out sarge (approaching strangers off the back.) every woman, man, and child. (They mainly sarge EVERY beautiful woman that walks right by them, though.) They practicing their craft of charismatic attraction. Sometimes, they notice things that no one can. Their mind is attuned to the everything. Therefore, it’s only natural for them to try to control EVERYTHING.

“The more you’re doing everything, the less is being reciprocated.”

Awesome dating.

Dating is awesome.

This law goes into effect and they wonder why she’s not calling them back. Why that text hasn’t been sent back. Why? They are attuned to everything.

However with natural charm, your mind is on something else. For me, it’s this blog and other opportunities I attend to help you. With natural charm, people comes towards you. You’re not trying. You don’t even care. Remember that girl you constantly pursue over and over again to no avail. Well now, she’s chasing you. You don’t care. You don’t even try…

However, not trying is not doing and not doing GETS you nowhere. Yes, natural charm is a genuine approach to “sweep her off her feet.” However, when you start to become complacent and before you start to wonder “Why am I having such trouble asking for a phone number. I used to do this comfortably before.” T The truth is that you did do this before…many many times but by not practicing and calibrating…you don’t advance…You regress backwards.

Natural Charm is one of the best skills at your disposal…just don’t get complacent.

What doesn’t work?

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Have you ever felt that you’re making mistakes but just can’t stop. Whether it’s business. Or dating. Or network marketing. It’s like you’re on a sinking ship with a hole in it but you can’t just find the hole…or holes. Well, some of the things you do cause the holes but you don’t know what they are. Painfully and in blind frustration, you try to find all the holes but you JUST can’t find them.

Recently, I have been making a lot of mistakes in affiliate marketing. I tried my best to make the best of a bad situation…and then I had an Aha! moment! It was then I decided to write all the mistakes I have been doing and alongside with that, I decided to record all of my mistakes so I don’t keep making them…over and over again…

Along with the way, I will share these mistakes with you. As much as I want to be specific about these because there are some things I want to keep secret for now but don’t worry, when the time comes…
You will know.

I do leave you with this. If you’re struggling in any field then go find who what doesn’t work. If you know what doesn’t work then eventually, you will find what DOES WORK.

The Business High…

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Have you ever met a businessperson? They may be not be in a business suit or have a high skyscraper in their name but they’re entrepreneurs and you can find beneath your nose…and wouldn’t even know it. They’re riding the bus or practically eating a sub. In fact, you can find them at a cafĂ© on the laptop with all of their files attached and networking online.

Most jollily businessperson (or well-meaning) businessperson will not bluntly criticizes you and in fact, they enjoy connections. They love getting to know you. They asked you for your phone number and you will get a call (today a text) from him in least in 24 hours from connecting.

However, there are those businesspeople who aren’t friendly. They are hermits. They are there reading a book. (Understandingly if they’re busy) You start a decent conversation and they turn a blind eye. They are victims of the business high. The business high infects the businessperson who are too busy to go to parties to engage people. No, they rather stay at home plan ALL-THE-TIME marketing strategies without involving people. (It’s NO surprise we see their business on D.O.A. Dead on Arrival.)

We, including once myself, were victims of the business high. We took that entrepreneurial blunt and before you knew it…you were hooked. You couldn’t stop and you just had to have more. The one way to break the business high. People. No matter what business you are in. People are involved. Even if it is online. People are involved.

Break away from the marketing just for once and go to people you’re targeting. The people you are providing a product or service for might have something else in mind and by getting them involved…your business isn’t on D.O.A. Dead on Arrival.

The value has been staggering a bit.

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Originally written May 2009:

My value has been staggering a bit.
I have to accept the fact that my former enemies are my closest friends, now. I keep forgetting that! I have to realize that now everything is different from what it was before. I make people smile. My value has been going up and down. I missed chances to banter with my friends. There’s this girl who (logically) seems to be insulting but deep down, she is teasing me. She wants me to tease her back so why I did miss those opportunities.. Now that I know this now, the earlier, the better. To solve this problem, I gotta be more postivite. By being postivite, I don’t mean be super scaringly ecstatic (that scares people esp. if you’re moving at the speed of light..move like a turtle..just slow down reasonably.) I mean thinking more postivite. I do rehearse negative outcomes and that’s not going to help me at all. I will think postivite therefore I only see the postivite. If I only see the postivite, I expect postivite outcomes and by expecting the postivite
(even if things go awry from your plans) then you will be that much outcome independent.

Written by Evan Wilder

November 23, 2010 at 5:24 pm