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Posts Tagged ‘wilderdeals.com

Can’t someone else do it?

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Last year, I jumped into business with hopes and dreams that my business will be so successful that I will never have to work. Well, I was wrong. So incredibly wrong. Turns out that a lot more to creating a business than I realize. Gosh, darn but every once in a while I learn something new.

One thing that I have learned was that it’s better to outsource the things that take up too much time. Do you have more important things to do and you will say…why yes, you do but you have to do this. Otherwise, your business will fail. Well, I got news for you. That’s not really a business but more of a job that you created. How does it feel? You can’t get fired because you’re the boss.

My plan is to no longer be the guy who works for himself (…or anyone else for a very, very long time.). It’s better to be the owner who’s looking for a qualified president to run your company. You can come in at any time you like and look around because, after all, it’s your company.

Just beware, though. Do you really want yourself working all day and all night (for a very long time) because your company will not allow you to or would you rather hire someone else to do it? I rather hire someone else.

The first time I realized I have the power to change my life…

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I wrote this a while back in my high school days. As you can see it’s always in the “I” because it’s more of an entry. Without further ado, here is my journal:

Originally written on Friday, 21 November 2008 at 6:41pm

Over the summer, my summer was just eventful. I broke my toe, almost got robbed, and had a red-eye for weeks! The good thing was I (almost) meant Clint Eastwood. I rode my bike from Detroit to Waterford (that’s 40 miles.) I met this nerdy girl who lives in Farmington Hills, She’s a senior so I will be going to my prom soon…. The world needs more nerdy girls…lol.

I took this life- and it completely reversed my thinking. I don’t believe in soulmates…but I do believe that anyone can overcome approach anxiety because society teaches it. I learned about openers, bantering, storytelling, rapport, and kino. I also learn about value (no one is willing to put up with anyone that only takes away value.) and avoiding the pick-up persona. I like this way of pick-up because it’s sincere. I know this works and I’m improving because last year, I spent my summer having a serious crush on Olivia Hawkins but now this summer, I had 2 girlfriends. Also, one of them said that I knew her better than most of the people in her life. (that’s rapport!) This is great because this is all I ever wanted: be more successful in social situations while still being me. Also, Gentry (the guy who was sex-crazed with the cello.) is going to be my apprentice but I am going to be teaching him what I know. Picking up is what I do because I want to pick-up everyone’s moods and days up. (Guys included..not in a gay way..)

I also met a fellow writer and I signed up to an acting company. They say they handle concessions so they handle concessions so hopefully, I get paid.

That’s been my summer!

When’s the first time you realize that you had the power to change your life?

I’m Changing A Few Things.

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You may have noticed that a few things have changed about this blog. And no, I’m not just talking about the theme or how the website even looks but I actually referring the ENTIRE website in general. I’m even considering selling this domain to somebody. Yes, I am changing the name of this site.


Much like Bill Lawrence who created Cougar Town and discovered (to much his dismay) the show had straddled FAR OFF from its original premise so he decided to change the name of it. I, too, want to do the same. Only now I am happy about it. I am pleased to sell this domain.

Now this blog will still be under my control. The only thing will be diffrent is that I no longer sell video games, television shows, music/MP3s, and movies. They’re not revelant towards this blog and never will be. However, I have taken upon myself to feature self-help products for you to live longer, be more wealthy, have a fighting chance and choice in dating and finally and most important of all, have a life full of choice in location and even lifestyle. I feel that I wouldn’t be fulfilling that promise to you if I didn’t do anything in my power to reflect it.

Another thing I’m changing is my response time to you. When you post a comment (that’s not hateful or pointless), I plan to get back to it in 24 hours. Otherwise, it’s just an article and not something you can interact with it. That’s the magic of blogs in the first place anyway. I plan on having “guest writers” here for the blog just in case, you get sick of hearing my voice through your head all the time. I know many things but there’s one thing I don’t know: you.

I don’t know your reaction to this and by knowing your reaction, I can make MUCH MUCH MORE CONSTRUCTIVE DECISIONS about this. So, DON’T BE SHY and tell me about the changes. I sincerely want to know.

Stop marketing. Start unMarketing.

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Every Sunday, I performed a simple routine. Every Sunday, I go to church…and straight to the cafe. They serve food at REALLY CHEAP PRICES and it fills you up for the entire day. (You don’t have to pay for the food if you volunteer because I donate because I have a need to give.) I love the food. Soon after church, I dodge the other churches who try and try absorb more of my time with the simple replies of “I already went.” They always said “Why not to go to THIS church?” By the time, they finish that sentence…I’m on my way to the bookstore.

What do I do at the bookstore. Programmed like a bird that travels south for the winter and north for the summer…. (Birds are smarter than Michiganders and Texans because they are always at a moderate temperatures. Not too hot. Not too cold. Just my favorite. Mild.) I instantly head to the business and finance section. Once I’m there. I put a limit on the books I want to read…because I pick up five and six books and there’s not way I’m going to read all those books. There’s just no way.

The two books I chose were positively acclaimed Four-Hour Workweek and UnMarketing. However, I only got the chance to only read one of those books. Guess which one?

That guy loves Four-Hour Workweek.

Four-Hour Workweek is here.

Start UnMarketing yourself

Or this one? (Check this out?)

I instantly picked up the UnMarketing book and started reading…from the introduction to the Chapter 14. UnMarketing is a marketing book for the over-marketers who plan WAY TOO MUCH on how to market instead of doing the one thing that can actually propel your business: ENGAGING. I read thirteen chapters but don’t congratulate. The chapters were VERY SHORT…enabling me to continuing reading. Along with superb business tips that can propel your business for any newbie or seasoned player, each chapter made me laughing out loud…and I was in a bookstore. People thought I was reading a humor book.

His book is uniquely different and that’s why I kept reading it until the store closed. I only had 5 minutes to read Four-Hour Workweek…shame shame. I want that book for Christmas…(What college-aged teen wants a business book for Christmas? THIS ONE!) and I’m sure that when you’re reading this then you, too, know someone who wants this book, too.

The American Dream?

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As I wandered the halls of a local community college, I am constantly reminded of nostaligia that I felt back as a kid. When everything is new and you’re not sure what’s to come. I felt this when I was a high-school freshman on my first day. I also felt this on my sophomore year after transferring out of a Detroit Public School to a school apparently way out to suburban folk town, Fraser. I felt this at a college but here’s the thing…I don’t attend college.

Oddly enough, this has thinking about the so-called American dream? What is the American dream that we’ve been told to believe. Finish school, find a safe and secure job, work hard and retire until you’re old until to the bone. Now’s that’s calling living but what about those who retire at the young age of 27 or even younger than that. Are they fulfilling the American dream? Or they fulfilling their own dream?

They had a dream to start their own business and so one day, they can lead of life of luxury and have the best that life can offer. That was their dream. That was their mission. Does this make them unpatrotic or self-fulfilling?

What’s unpatrotic these days. Apparently, it’s unpatroitic to pay taxes and that annual taxes are part of everyday life. People back in the day didn’t pay for taxes annually because it was only temporary for citizens to help out to support soliders in war. That’s it! Taxes long ago were NEVER permanment because history proved that we won independence because high taxes in the first place!

Beware of the American dream but and always follow your dreams and achieve it.