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Posts Tagged ‘work for himself

Can’t someone else do it?

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Last year, I jumped into business with hopes and dreams that my business will be so successful that I will never have to work. Well, I was wrong. So incredibly wrong. Turns out that a lot more to creating a business than I realize. Gosh, darn but every once in a while I learn something new.

One thing that I have learned was that it’s better to outsource the things that take up too much time. Do you have more important things to do and you will say…why yes, you do but you have to do this. Otherwise, your business will fail. Well, I got news for you. That’s not really a business but more of a job that you created. How does it feel? You can’t get fired because you’re the boss.

My plan is to no longer be the guy who works for himself (…or anyone else for a very, very long time.). It’s better to be the owner who’s looking for a qualified president to run your company. You can come in at any time you like and look around because, after all, it’s your company.

Just beware, though. Do you really want yourself working all day and all night (for a very long time) because your company will not allow you to or would you rather hire someone else to do it? I rather hire someone else.