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Posts Tagged ‘the wilder life podcast

How To NOT GET LONELY while you’re working online

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Apparently, I am starting to notice a trend among people who decide to take upon the “internet marketing” oath. I see this everywhere and so many internet marketers (and sometimes affiliate marketers) are alone working on the computer. Why do they choose to be alone? Is it a matter of efficiency? Do you have to choose between friends or the lifestyle?
Frankly, even if I live the lifestyle I want I can’t quite see it doing it alone. Traveling the world alone. Skydiving alone. Staying home alone instead going to work like everyone else.

Nope, I don’t see that happening. Perhaps, business isn’t for me. Perhaps, I don’t have to choose. Yeah, I don’t choose between anything of it. I incorporate both. It’s what I do. I refuse to choose between my friends and my business because there’s no need to. I am still studying people and do continue with full intent to better my skills with people. It would be a slap in the face if I just up and stop that. Slapping myself. I utterly refuse that.

How do I do that? Are you forgetting where you are? You’re online. (You have to be in order to read this.) That means you have an advantage compared to someone working back before there were computers. You can go on Facebook and start poking random people. You can send random message to someone (or everyone.) In Twitter, you can send Direct Messages and mention people (using @followingtheirTwittername). You can even go on YouTube and comment on the videos and join groups.

In fact, you are alone as an internet marketer then you’re probably not marketing right. You are supposed to engage people and tell people about your product, your site, your opportunities. Money will always involve people and therefore, don’t stay there at the computer “working.” There’s a time to plan but there’s also a time to engage people. If you’re still alone then it’s time for you to engage people.

Get along? I rather pick fights!

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No, you don’t need your reading glasses for this. I rather pick fights…in business, that is. What? They didn’t teach you that in business schools. Are you stuck in the “MBA” mentality and doing EVERYTHING by the book that you don’t try anything new? Well, that’s you. Here’s me and let me tell you love to start fights left and right.

Why you ask? Why not? What’s the worst thing that can happened from a fight…you get noticed…again, read between the lines….YOU GET NOTICED. Attaboy and attagal, you are starting to get the full picture here and I am ever so proud.

Scared about picking fights? Well, everybody does it. Everyone in the corporate world. Even, celebrities. Even Ross Jeffries challenged Neil Strauss in the pickup world claiming that (in short) he’s wasn’t man enough! (Neil Strauss is that guy who wrote that book, The Game, that transformed many nerds into doers and sadly others into “game nerds.”) And don’t even think that Oprah is able fighting anyone. Remember Prince and Micheal. Remember Oprah and Whoopi Goldberg and isn’t it peculiar that they will resolve their fight on the final season of the Oprah Winfrey Show. This was no co -inc-i-dink. This was planned.

Whoopi and Oprah Feud

Oprah and Whoopi Feud?

Just look at Pepsi and Coca-Cola. Pepsi picked a fight with Coca-Cola and that’s how we remember them. Coca-Cola is the pop for the older generation but Pepsi is for the younger generation and one doesn’t taste better than other but it’s the fight and struggle.

If it works for them and picking fights will work for you. Go pick a fight with someone bigger in business and in a related field as you. Not the same level because if you’re picking fights with another nobody then it’s just two nobodies that no one cares for to see who becomes crowned champion! It’s better to pick with SOMEBODY with a reputation and sling mud every now and then. You don’t have a reputation so even if you lose…what can you lose…nothing.

David Wygant Fights

Ross Jeffries v. David Wygant

Also, you’re not supposed to win the fight anyway. Your goal is to get noticed. If you can get noticed then you indirectly reached your goal.
Getting noticed is your goal so go pick a fight with someone bigger than you and in the end, you and your ex-rival can shocked the world by releasing a joint venture together.

Don’t Fret! It’s just a text.

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Texting is fun. Texting is hilarious. Texting is in…and if you are not doing it already then it’s time for you to get textually active. Think about it, everybody texts now and everybody responds to their texts faster than any form of communication. Don’t believe me, eh? Look at the nearest girl around you….What’s she doing…Texting. To be honest, I didn’t believe in texting and that texting was nothing but bullshit but in actuality, I got caught up in the midst of texting and now I see what’s up about it! When you’re new to the texting world, it can take an emotional toll on you. (Well, maybe I’m different….)

Okay, I have left a small detail of my life out of my statuses for last month. Recently, I have been texting this girl and I started learning the benefits of text such as setting up plans but sometimes, I learn the bad side of texting….waiting. Sometimes you don’t care and you move on with your life and sometimes your laptop breaks down and your only form of entertainment becomes texting. (WHICH IS BAD!!!) I could tell you what happened but that’s not as important as telling you what I learned about DO’s and DON’Ts texting in the last month.

DO: Be witty, be funny, be you.

This goes without saying but being funny can help you. What the hell is funny? Anything that makes you laugh. Anything that puts a smile on your face. If it makes you laugh, if it makes you smile, or if it makes you wonder about something intriguing, HIT THE SEND, MOFO and relax. Be classy about it. Add nicknames. Create inside jokes. Have fun with texting. It’s only texting.

DON’T: Have a texting relationship.
You know that special someone that when you get home at night and you text that special someone how was your day went and they text you back and suddenly, you get the romantic feel. You think everything’s good because somehow you have a texting “girlfriend” (or boyfriend) that you can be yourself around and that’s good except for the fact you can’t see them face-to-face. So basically, you think everything’s good when you talk for hours and hours on end but you see them. You can’t hug them, you can’t kiss them, you can’t do much of anything. Don’t get a texting “girlfriend” or “boyfriend.” Be you, give value, make them smile and happy to be around you and set a date (since you do like them!) and leave texting at that. Don’t make my mistake.

DO: Write VERY SHORT texts.
The only reason you have read this far is because you are actually interested in reading until you’re done and this is good because readers are leaders! Anyway, keep your sentences short and by short…I mean AT MOST two sentences. Spare the details. No one cares! No one wants one-paragraph texts…unless you’re one of those special people but seriously, SHORT ANSWERS ONLY! The only time long texts are appreciated is when the other person is texting longer replies to you…then it’s a good thing.

DON’T: Get angry over a text.
That was my face but not around the time this happened….

Dude, it’s just a text… Jordan Harbinger once told me that getting mad over a text is like getting mad that your girlfriend in Second Life dumped you. Well, I would lying if I told you that I was never frustrated… It’s just texting, very low-risk. Don’t throw the cell phone against the wall because she hasn’t replied back…in the exact minute you texted her. If you’re one of these people who freak out and obsess about it then relax and do this! Send and forget. If you can’t forget then put your phone on Silent (not Vibrate!…silent) and forget it. Leave your phone in the other room. Just get it out of your mind and out of sight.

DO: Text everyone!
Everyone should be included.

Everyone should get textually active and so text everybody. Text your brother, your sister, and your mother, your family, your friends. (…And don’t forget that creepy guy around the corner…). Let your fun side roar and everyone should hear it. Then you can treat that girl like your sister as you’re joking around with her. Would you be waiting hand and foot for a text from your sister…no? Neither should you with that girl. So text everyone and have fun. (By the way, you can sext that girl but you shouldn’t sext your family…unless it’s a giant-ass joke.)

Hope you enjoyed the segment as much as I was writing this. You laugh while I cry as I looked at my bank account statement today. It’s texting….it’s fun…and you should be having with this but also using the most of its texting ability to help you. Anyway, I would like to thank the Art of Charm, and the many of those I texted this month. This is what I learned and I’m just sharing it.

Originally written: July 9, 2010

My Slogan on FaceBook.

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I am updating my “Facebook slogan”

Here’s the old one:
I am funny, I am suave, I am classy, I am spontaneous, I am unpredictable, I am unforgettable, and I am unique because I am exceptionally original and insane. I am the one and the only. I am The Spectacular Social-Man.

Here’s my new one:

Remember to subscribe to WilderDeals.com where you have anything practically FOR FREE and The Wilder Life Podcast (premiering Nov. 2010) on iTunes. Yeah, I decided to change this.

…Not as thoughtfully profound as the last one but truthfully told, I want more people to appreciate this blog.

To befriend me on FaceBook, just go here.

To support the group. Yeah, there’s a group. Shame on me on not telling you. To support the group, go here to stay updated and until coming back day after day and finding no new blog posts here.

Written by Evan Wilder

October 28, 2010 at 2:42 pm